Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Introducing The .Net Framework 4.0

As a Visual Basic 2010 developer, you need to understand the concepts and technology that empower your applications: the Microsoft .NET Framework. The .NET Framework (also simply known as .NET) is the...

Writing a C# Program

Now that you’ve spent some time learning what C# is and how it fits into the .NET Framework,it’s time to get your hands dirty and write some code. You use Visual Studio 2010 (VS) and Visual C# 2010 Express...

Introducing C#

.NET Framework FundamentalsThe .NET Framework is Microsoft’s latest development platform, and is currentlyin version 4. It includes a Common Type System (CTS) and Common LanguageRuntime (CLR). .NET Framework...

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Getting started

Defining basic terms Application An application is a collection of objects that work together to accomplish something useful. In VB the application is called a Project. A Project could be a the management...
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